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Six Things No One Has Ever Told You Before About Your Pelvic Floor

Updated: Jun 28, 2023

Core Specialist, Cheryl Coppa, covers some of the most asked questions women have when it comes to Pelvic Floor and fixing the problems (Part 1)

You Should know this image

By Cheryl Coppa

It is unfortunate that we don’t even know about our pelvic floor until there is a problem. Myself included, I didn’t know until I knew! We end up just living with the pain, the discomfort, the lack of control not understanding why this is happening and that there IS something we can do about it. We don’t have to accept these discomforts as just part of aging, or just a part of motherhood. We can prevent, manage and reverse, so let's get to know our pelvic floor and answer some basic questions.

What are Pelvic Floor Muscles?

The Pelvic floor muscles are a sling of muscles in the pelvic cavity (your hip area). These muscles are responsible for sexual function, continence (controlling when you pee, poo, and pass gas), and vaginal wall support. It also helps modulate intra-abdominal pressure and stiffness of the sacroiliac (SI) joints. Contributes to the control of the lumbar spine and contributes to both postural and respiratory functions.

The pelvic floor muscles are made up of both slow twitch muscles (70%) and fast twitch fiber muscles (30%). What does this mean? That the pelvic floor needs the endurance to be able to work all day, but it also needs strength to handle sudden demands. Sudden demands such as lifting your children or grandchildren, heavy moving lifting in the house, or fitness routines and the many other demands we face.

Pelvic Floor diagram

What is Pelvic Floor Dysfunction? Pelvic floor dysfunction is when we start to lose the basic functions of the pelvic floor. Examples of this would be: leaking and/ or losing control when you want or don’t want to pee, poo or pass gas. It also can show up as constipation and an overactive bladder. A tight pelvic floor or a tensed pelvic floor can show up as low back pain, painful sex, SI joint pain, and pelvic girdle pain.

"If your pelvic floor muscles are too tight, you have to learn to relax them first. This is why Kegels might not be your best choice just yet. You must first be able to relax the pelvic floor." Cheryl Coppa, Core Specialist

Why do Pelvic Floor Muscles Weaken? Pelvic Floor muscles can weaken from childbearing and childbirth, overtraining in athletes, lack of training/movement, and age. Of course, our pelvic floor will experience much pressure and trauma while carrying and delivering a baby. 👉🏽 There are steps you can take while pregnant and post-pregnant to rehab these muscles. Just as you would with any other muscle injury and trauma, your core and pelvic floor need rehab, most of the time we have no idea how to do this or that we even need to do this. If you are 6 weeks postpartum or 16 years, you can still go through this rehab and retraining process. 👉🏽 Overtraining - pelvic floor dysfunctions are showing up in younger athletes. This is because in most training the pelvic floor is left behind, either by poor breathing or poor mechanics, or both! Like any other muscle in our body, we need to train our pelvic floor to handle the pressure and the life we live. 👉🏽 Lack of movement - modern-day life absolutely plays a role in pelvic floor dysfunction. Long periods of sitting result in all the muscles around the pelvis just checking out, which results in other muscles overworking and the body being carried in poor alignment. 👉🏽 Aging - as with all our muscles, as we age we lose muscle mass and tone. This is no different for the pelvic floor muscles. The only way to combat muscle loss is to train that muscle, the same goes for the pelvic floor. Which Pelvic Floor Exercise is Best? The best pelvic floor exercise is the Core Breath. Learning this breathing technique will naturally strengthen the core and pelvic floor. As you master this breathing, you add coordination to it. It’s important to note that you can not strengthen a tight muscle. This is why Kegels might not be your best choice just yet. You must first be able to relax the pelvic floor. This is a very important piece of the Core and Pelvic Floor Restore program. The breathing technique also helps with this. Does Pelvic Floor Therapy Work? Every situation is different and unique. What is the root cause? What are you doing and not doing in your daily life and for how long? Pelvic Floor Physical therapy is important and helpful. When you have the means you should take the opportunity. We have many women that take our program before, during, or after physical therapy, it’s an amazing combination.

"It's never too late to start- If you are 6 weeks postpartum or 16 years, you can still go through this rehab and retraining process." Cheryl Coppa. Core Specialist

What can I do That is Sustainable? Everything has its limitations right? You only have so many PT sessions, don’t want to have to rely on devices, botox is temporary, and surgery does not address the root cause! If surgery is needed, you still need to address why this happened (so it doesn’t happen again) and train these muscles. You can think of this as a training program for your core and pelvic floor. This is where the Core & Pelvic Floor Restore program comes in. We teach you what you CAN do in your everyday life to protect and strengthen your pelvic floor. This works well because you do not have limitations on the sessions and support. Life changes, you can work this at your own pace and progress as fast or as slow as you want in the comfort of your own home. This is a whole-body approach because everything is connected! Even after you have restored the function, you have access to keep progressing. Remember, you are dealing with muscles, they will need maintenance to keep strong and functional. Be equipped for life! This program teaches you how to relax and release muscles, because you will fall into old patterns and movements that encourage a tight pelvic floor, but you will learn how to recognize them and fix them. No more pads, you will know how to fix this and can reference those training and support as often as you need to. No more pain, pain is dysfunction and we are here to restore function! We teach you the foundational tools that EVERY woman should know, and then take you through additional techniques so you are equipped long-term Yours always, Cheryl


About Cheryl Coppa

an image of cheryl coppa holding a pelvis model

✔️ A certified Core Confidence Specialist (Core and Pelvic Floor retraining)

✔️ A certified Personal Trainer specializing in women's fitness over 40

✔️ Low-Pressure Fitness / Hypopressive certified by creator Dr. Tamara Rial

✔️ Pre/postnatal corrective exercise specialist

✔️Instructor of the Pelvic Floor Health program, Ola Ka Ola

✔️ 40 years young, wife & mother of 3

2 commentaires

26 janv. 2023

I thought I would live with the leaking situation for good until I started this program. I incorporate their techniques into my daily habits and I also join around three classes a week (which I never did before), that keeps me accountable and reminds me how to keep taking care of my pelvic. I feel great and I highly recommend to give it a try.


26 janv. 2023

I forgot how easy it was to go to the bathroom. This program is definitely worth it!!

Now I just need to maintain it so I won't go back to old patterns

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